National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Go Green

Did you know that collard greens, a well known vegetable enjoyed in many ethnic communities can lower risk for breast cancer?

The value of incorporating leafy green cruciferous vegetables into your diet daily will lower your risk for cancer, other diseases and disorders. The Slone Epidemiology Center at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM), spearheaded the Black Women's Health research study in 2010. The research study found that women which ate at least two servings of vegetables per day lowered their risk for breast cancer by 43%. Comparatively, women which only incorporated 3 to 4 serving of vegetable per week in their diet showed an increased risk for breast cancer. The study was conducted with over 50,000 African American women over a period of twelve years. The specific vegetables, broccoli, collard greens, cabbage and carrots yielded the best results.

There are many ways you can enjoy your veggies today. Make a green goddess dip, a smoothie, or roasted broccoli with a parmesan cheese sprinkle to enhance the flavor. The flavor of collard greens and apples is delicious in a smoothie with a little ginger. The goal to keep in mind is to add them every day into your diet to see the wonderful benefits they can provide.

Dr. Michele J. Doughty, Author Brown Bag Expressions
