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Global Health Conversations

Global Health provides us with insight into how other cultures live healthy lifestyles.  It also provides us with insight into which cultures have the best health care systems in the world and ways to incorporate healthier practices in our daily lives. France ranks #1 in the world for the best health care system followed  by Italy, Spain, Oman, Austria and Japan. The French can also be credited for several novel scientific discoveries such as the cure for the Human Immuno Deficiency (HIV) virus. 


Today, the United States ranks 37th in health care worldwide widening it's gap between the other countries. The U.S. spends a higher portion on its gross domestic product than any other countries, however still lags far beyound other countries ( WHO, 2012).  America has a long way to go to make healthcare affordable, improve ethnic disparities, contain health insurance cost, provide universal medical care coverage, promote better diet/nutritional practices and foster holistic approaches focused in the mind, body and spirit.  


The Affordable Health Care Act is one of the first transforming measure to extend healthcare services for all American citizens.  Visit to learn more about the open marketplace.

The importance of understanding global population health enables us learn what factors contribute to longevity.  It is critical to understand the reason why the healthiest people in the world reside in countries such as Japan, Singapore, Italy, Australia, Switzerland, Israel and Spain (Bloomberg, 2012). According to the World Health Organization (WhO), women in Japan have the longest life expectancy in the world at an average age of 87 years, followed by Spain, Switzerland and Singapore. The life expectancy for individual residing in Singapore is 78 (M) to 83 (F) in comparison with the U.S. which has increased to 74 (M)  to 78 (F) due to medical assistance, community-based health care and better disease management protocols for non-communicable disease such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  Click here to review the global life expectancy chart.



12/2014 - Vice News

"The Education of Ebola "

The recent outbreak of Ebola has spurred worldwide concern. 

"Worldwide Health Crisis"

Dieases such as Ebola creates worldwide controversy related to the etilogy (cause, transmission and preventive protocols. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the other nations collaborate on a strategy. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) over 1.9 billion adults age, 18 years and older, are currently overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese. The statistics speak to the a global epidemic and challenges everyone to focus on dietary modifications. Globally, 42 million children under the age of 5 were overweight (WHO, 2012).  The American Medical Association has declared obesity as a disease (AMA, 2013).  The statistics provide us with a rationale to implement weight reduction programs in communities, schools and in the workplace.  The research is clear obesity is linked to higher rates of breast cancer, heart disease and diabetes. 

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