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About HealthInsights!

HealthInsights, started when I thought about how we perceive illness and disease...Should we focus on the illness or should we focus on implementing strategies towards wellness.  My contribution to society is to foster wellness, to alleviate the systemic problems that keep us bound to illness. Illness is not only related to physical health; but mental, societal, educational and the contributing economic ills that plague the world we live in. We all understand that cancer, diabetes and heart disease exist, however there are many things that you can do to nurture yourself back to wellness...If you take your mind off the nature of the illness and focus on activating the solution you will be surprise about the help you will receive on your journey.

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This website connects you to evidence-based practice, yet encourages you to adopt a realistic holistic approach to health. So learn how to focus on wellness in mind, body and spirit. This educational portal attempts to breaks down scientific clinical research into everyday practice.  It will provide you with opportunities to do the research, learning about preventive health and how to create your own personalized wellness action plan.


Think about it, change often occurs when a devastating situation occurs or when it is often too late. For example, the media cautions us daily that weight gain is linked to cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and other disorders such as diabetes. Getting out and moving 30 minutes can lower your risk of many non-communicable diseases. The evidence proves a regular physical fitness routine combined with proper nutrition lowers disease can lower mortatlity rates. Despite the valuable evidence, people still do not take time to walk or do some other form of physical activity.  When my father died of lung cancer, his legacy taught me a profound lesson. We must take proactive steps to focus on contemporary health issues and how they impact our daily lives early on.


Despite the daily challenges, we must begin to look at the entire dimensions of health more carefully to influence holistic health on all levels. We must encourage step-by-step changes in mental, physical and spiritual well-being early, rather than later in a preventive approach. We must make the philosophical practice of medical education understandable and practical for all humanity.  


Life will bring it's own challenges and lessons teaching us to embrace a more holistic perspective of wellness.   Dr. Michele J. Doughty


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Doctoral Research 

Doctoral Research: Compelled to devote my doctoral studies on preventive health protocols due to the loss of a beloved friend from breast cancer. My research focused on the design, development, implementation and evaluation of a breast cancer intervention tailored to women under the age of 40. Breast cancer is a heterogenous disease affecting both women and men of every racial and ethnic groups in the United States and globally. The incorporation of a diet high in leafy green vegetables, a regular physical fitness routine, stress reduction and lowering alcohol intake can improve outcomes overall. Breast cancer in young women requires further articulation and the design of evidence-based interventions need to be articulated to a broader community.  It also requires ongoing research and policy changes related women of diverse ethnic origins.  Disparities still exist related to genetic testing, education, outreach and treatment. Stronger policies targeting improvements in early diagnostic services is critical. 


Dissertation: The Analysis of an Evidence Based Breast Cancer Intervention Targeting Preventive Services in African American Women- Conceptual model designed, implemented and evaluated to determine whether an educational intervention could transform thinking and practice about early onset breast cancer. 


Professional Education: 


Doctorate-Health Education 

A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

College of Health Studies/School of Health Management

Kirksville, Missouri 


Masters of Science - Public Policy & Administration

Concentration: Organizational Systems and Health Policy 

Thesis: Family Health Policies

Rutgers University, New Jersey

Bachelors of Science - Public Health & Administration

Stockton University,  New Jersey

Concentration - Community-Based Health Organizations

Internship: Metropolitan Washington Council of Government, Washington, DC

University of Pennsylvania - School of General Studies Professional/Organizational Communications (2yr-Certifcate)


Continuing Medical Education 

Arizona School of Integrative Medicine (CEU)

Harvard University (CEU)

Vanderbilit University (CEU)

University of Calfornia (CEU)

Boston Medical College (CEU)


Peer Reviewer:

American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)

American Journal of Preventive Medicine (AJPM)

Journal of Health Promotion and Practice (HPP)


Journal Publication:

An applied research intervention: breast cancer and preventive services in African American women. Health Promot Pract; 2013 Sep;14(5):732-4


Podcast and Publications

Thinking Outside of the Pink- Eden Darby

First Warning Systems Bra Detects Breast Cancer - Fox Latino News

Loraine Ballard Morrell - WDAS.Clear Channel 




The American Public Health Association (APHA)

The Society for Health Educators (SOPHE)

The American Cancer Society (ACS)


*Served as an Challenge Advocate for the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition 

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